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Blog: Blog2

Jesus Never Changes

Every day brings some sort of change in our lives. One day we have a job, the next day we don’t. One day we have a friend, the next day he’s our enemy. One day we’re financially stable, the next day we could be out on the street! One day we’re married, the next day our spouses are gone. Change is inevitable. However, not all change is bad. Many times we can be in our darkest hour and the good news we’ve been hoping for finally arrives that changes the course of our lives, such as: a promotion comes through, a marriage proposal is accepted, a new baby arrives, a soldier returns from war unharmed, and on and on. But the most important change we could ever make is our decision to give our hearts to Jesus! When we do, our lives become changed in an instant. And the really exciting news is . . . Jesus never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And His power, His character, His faithfulness, and His love for us will never change. No matter how many times we disappoint Him, He still loves us like no one else ever could! There’s no need to live in fear that one day we’ll wake up and find that God doesn’t love us anymore. Jesus never changes and He loves us so much He gave His life for us—and there’s no greater love than that! Texts: Hebrews 13:8, Numbers 23:19, Malachi 3:6

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